扎卡里·W. Desmond | Life After Juilliard

Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023
Juilliard Journal

Postcards From Juilliard Alums

I have been acting and writing full-time since graduation and am the 2023 playwriting fellow at Playhouse Creatures Theatre Company. In addition to the fellowship, PCTC has offered me a commission and will host industry readings of four of my plays in spring 2024. I am currently starring in a run of Lee Blessing’s 1991 dramatic thriller 在路上 with GoodBadGroup at Arts on Site—a performance space co-founded by faculty member Chelsea Ainsworth (BFA ’10, dance) in the East Village.

去年秋天, I became a member of the acting company at Mercury Store, a multistudio laboratory for professional theater directors in Gowanus. Last summer, I received an 18-month Creatives Rebuild New York grant and launched 虚构的阿特拉斯, a monthly digest of my endeavors as an American theater artist in New York and abroad.

In the coming months, I will break ground on Boundary Land Productions, an LLC to finance and produce projects for the screen and stage that delve into our assumptions about human belonging, 社区, and ecological possibility over the next 300 years in the face of climate transformation and accelerating national and global migration. Message me for more!

扎卡里·W. Desmond (Group 50)

Want to share a Life After Juilliard story? 请在 [email protected].