Performance 日历



科里埃里森 has served as staff dramaturg at 观看完歌剧《格林德本 Festival Opera since 2012 and New York City Opera (1997-2010), as well as dramaturg on productions including 俄耳普斯的时刻 at National Sawdust/Salzburger Landestheater, the cycle at 华盛顿 National Opera, Opera Boston’s production of Shostakovich’s 鼻子, and a triple bill of Offenbach operettas at the Bard Festival.

She has been a faculty member at American Lyric 的atre and has mentored its artists since its founding. She is a sought-after collaborator in the development of new operas for commissioners including Opera Philadelphia, 加拿大歌剧, 匹兹堡歌剧院, 荷兰的歌剧, Beth Morrison Projects, 沃斯堡歌剧院, 观看完歌剧《格林德本, New York City Opera’s annual VOX American Opera Showcase, and Yale Institute for 音乐 的atre.

Dedicated to nurturing young singers, Ellison teaches at the Ravinia Steans 音乐 Institute Program for Singers and the Crested Butte Opera Studio, and has taught master classes at venues including University of Toronto, ·曼, Cincinnati 大学-Conservatory of 音乐, 波士顿大学,和 University of Texas at Austin. She has led seminars for the Metropolitan Opera’s Lindemann Young Artists Program, serves as a judge for the Metropolitan Opera National Council auditions, and coaches singers privately.

Her English singing translation of 《韩赛尔和格蕾特, premiered by New York City Opera, has been performed throughout the U.S. She has also authored singing translations of Shostakovich’s Cheryomushki (樱桃树塔), premiered at the Bard Festival, and Spontini’s La vestale premiered at English National Opera.

Ellison has presented talks and appeared on panels and symposiums throughout the U.S. 和欧洲, including at Santa Fe Opera, 公园大道军械库, 大都会歌剧院协会, San Francisco Opera Guild, 卡内基音乐厅, Opera Orchestra of New York, Schomburg Center for Black Culture, Guggenheim Museum’s Works and Process Series, Philadelphia Chamber 音乐 Society, the Wagner Societies of New York, 芝加哥, 华盛顿, and Northern California, American Institute for Verdi Studies, Royal Opera House/Covent Garden, Ireland’s Wexford Festival, and Switzerland’s Verbier Festival.

Ellison is part of the team that launched the Metropolitan Opera’s pioneering simultaneous translation system, 遇到了标题, and has authored opera supertitles for companies worldwide. She regularly appears as a commentator and quiz panelist on the Metropolitan Opera’s radio broadcasts, and has contributed articles to publications including 纽约时报, 的 Guardian, Opera 新闻, 留声机, BBC音乐,女士, 的 New Grove Dictionary of Opera, 莫扎特全集,和 Metropolitan Opera Guide to Opera on Video.

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