CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

HEERF Quarterly Report

高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)最初是作为《esball世博》的一部分授权的, which was passed by Congress on March 27, 2020.  追加援助(HEERF II)于12月27日作为《esball世博》(CRRSAA)的一项条款签署成为法律, 2020, 第三部分(HEERF III)于3月11日通过美国救援计划(ARP)获得授权, 2021.   Together, 这些基金提供超过720亿美元,用于支持高等教育,为学生提供服务,并确保在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间继续学习. 

The following information is provided in compliance with federal reporting requirements. The Department of Education has released a new reporting template, effective as of the quarter ending June 30, 2022.  这份报告综合了学生和机构在应急基金中所占份额的支出.

Click here for the June 30, 2023 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report. 

Click here for the March 31, 2023 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report. 

Click here for the December 31, 2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report.

Click here for the September 30, 2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report.

Click here for the June 30, 2022 Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report.



茱莉亚学院已经签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该机构打算使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划指定的适用金额的资金,向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金.

The Juilliard School received $647,830 on May 12, 根据我们对学生的紧急资助认证和协议,从该部门获得2021年的资助.

  • As of June 30, 2021, $12,660 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 13 students.
  • From July 1 to September 30, 2021, $305,384 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 145 students.
  • From October 1 to December 31, 2021, $70,450 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 57 students.
  • From January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022, $109,950 in emergency financial aid grants were awarded to 88 students.

As per recent federal guidelines, all students are now eligible to apply for a HEERF grant. We expect 931 students to be enrolled for the fall 2021 semester.  Grants range from $500 - $5000 with priority given first to Pell recipients, then students with outstanding student loan debt, then others on a case-by-case basis.

关于HEERF可用性的提醒和应用程序的链接通过电子邮件发送给所有申请2021-22学年资助的继续学生,作为其经济援助续订通知的一部分.  A separate email was sent to all enrolled students and faculty on June 11, 2021, with informational flyers posted around the school. An additional email was sent to 2021-22 federal Pell grant recipients on August 9, 2021年,以及在秋季学期开始后仍未结清秋季余额的个别学生.  Most recently, an email was sent to Pell grant recipients on November 10, 2021.

外展活动还作为全校范围内以粮食不安全为中心的其他倡议的一部分开展, outstanding tuition balances, upcoming travel reminders. 这些都包括在每周发给全体学生的电子邮件中,并根据需要发给个别学生.


茱莉亚学院已经签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该机构打算使用CRRSAA和ARP (a)(1)和(a)(4)计划指定的适用金额的资金,向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金.

The Juilliard School received $262,100 on January 19, 根据我们对学生的紧急资助认证和协议,从该部门获得2021年的资助; however, because Juilliard was subject to the excise tax, only 50% of that allocation could be used. 根据联邦法规的要求,预付给学生的剩余50%由HEERF II的机构部分资助.

All funding from HEERF II has now been expended.  HEERF II funds were distributed in the following manner:

  • As of June 30, 2021, $262,100 in emergency financial aid grants have been distributed to 316 students.

At the beginning of the 2020-21 fiscal year, 大约有615名学生有资格参加1965年《esball世博》第四章第484节规定的项目,因此有资格获得CRRSAA规定的紧急经济援助助学金.  However, 美国救援计划(ARP)扩大了资格,包括所有注册的学生,无论是否有联邦学生援助资格.  这项拨款包括国际学生,并追溯至HEERF II的任何剩余资金. Therefore, the total number of eligible students expanded to 899 students.

To comply with the mandate to prioritize the neediest students for these funds, 我们给290名正在接受联邦佩尔助学金或联邦学生贷款的学生每人发放了700美元的支票.  These students were emailed on May 28, 2021 notifying them of the award; no application was required.

The remainder of the available HEERF II funds were available by application.  HEERF II申请经过修订,允许学生表明他们是否希望将资金用于他们的学费余额,并解释他们的额外费用和/或经济需求.  Grants ranged from $500 - $2,000 based on financial need.


All funding from the federal CARES Act has now been fully expended. Please see below for information regarding use of these funds.

CARES Act Quarterly Report

每个申请HEERF资金的机构都被指示遵守《esball世博》第18004(e)条,并在机构与部门达成认证和协议之日起三十(30)天内向部长提交一份初步报告(“30天基金报告”). The '30-Day Fund Report' information follows [updated July 10, 2021]


The Juilliard School has received $262,根据我们的学生紧急助学金认证和协议,从系里拿出100美元.  The funds have been distributed in the following manner (cumulatively):

  • 截至2020年6月10日,向148名学生发放了117,825美元的紧急经济援助赠款.
  • 截至2020年7月24日,向184名学生发放了151,960美元的紧急经济援助赠款.
  • As of September 30, 2020, $193,310 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 218 students.
  • 截至2021年12月31日,向235名学生分发了220 810美元的紧急经济援助赠款.
  • 截至2021年3月31日,向243名学生分发了256 210美元的紧急经济援助赠款.
  • As of June 30, 2021, all $262,100 in emergency financial aid grants have been distributed to 245 students.

For the 2019-20 fiscal year, 大约有586名学生有资格参加1965年《esball世博》第四章第484条规定的课程,因此有资格根据《esball世博》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金.  For the 2020-21 fiscal year, 615 eligible students were enrolled.

An initial email was sent to all enrolled students on May 11, 2020, informing them of the grant, including a link to a short application posted on our website. Additional outreach was conducted to encourage Pell-eligible students to apply.  Grant amounts were set from between $500 - $1,000, prioritizing the neediest students. 整个夏天都在发送提醒和即将到来的一年的经济援助通知.  For the 2020-21 academic year, an email reminder was sent on September 2, 2020年秋季学期向所有入学学生发放2020年奖学金,并向符合佩尔资格的学生提供额外的服务. The most recent reminder was sent to all students on December 7, 2020.

学生被要求详细列出因校园运作中断而产生的额外费用,并证明他们将按照申请表上的规定使用这笔资金.  没有在当前奖励年度提交FAFSA的学生在被考虑获得资金之前必须这样做.

Click here for the September 30, 2020 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Click here for the December 31, 2020 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds. 

Click here for the March 31, 2021 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Click here for the June 30, 2021 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Click here for the September 30, 2021 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Click here for the December 31, 2021 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Click here for the March 31, 2022 disclosure regarding the institutional portion of the HEERF funds.

Last Updated Thursday, Jun. 29, 2023, 01:14PM